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Troubleshooting common Selenium web driver issues

One of the most well-liked testing frameworks is Selenium, which automates user actions on the test object. Selenium is an open-source framework, and Selenium WebDriver is its main building block. You may run tests on several browsers with Selenium WebDriver, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, etc. The Selenium WebDriver's support for several programming languages is its main benefit. Although Selenium makes web app or website testing simple, programmers must overcome several difficulties with Selenium automation. Let's see how to troubleshoot common Selenium web driver issues:

Not so scalable approach

Selenium is a fantastic automation testing technology that has made life simpler for web testers worldwide because of its open-source nature. However, the inability to scale is one of the main issues with Selenium automation. Automated testing's ultimate goal is to conduct more tests in less time. While your test builds may be brief initially, your product will inevitably grow with each sprint.

This suggests that you need to cover more test cases. Your automation approach won't be as effective if you use Selenium WebDriver because it can only be used to execute testing sequentially. How quickly the tests run will also depend on how quickly you can compute. If you want a job in the selenium field, learn the free Selenium courses from the best institutions like H2k Infosys.

Browser-specific problems

Each of the numerous browsers that Selenium supports could have its peculiarities and quirks. Resolving problems that users frequently have with particular browsers can take time and effort. To fix this, be aware of the settings and needs unique to each browser's driver. Driver executables and configurations may need to be modified for other browsers.

Consider using browser-specific WebDriver instances to isolate browser-specific issues if you routinely test on various browsers. Certain browser add-ons can obstruct WebDriver interactions. Extensions that could be problematic should be disabled or removed. When it comes to selenium for testing you need to know about lot of thingsabout Selenium testing.

Handling dynamic content

Static or dynamic information can be found on a website or online application. Selenium automation has a few difficulties while testing a website or web application with static content. However, most websites today provide material that can differ from visitor to visitor. This suggests that the content is dynamic. Launching your test only after the loading is finished is crucial because the new content takes some time to load.

There could be problems if an element still needs to be present in the DOM since web page elements load at various rates. Handling dynamic material has, therefore, been one of the most frequent difficulties in Selenium automation. Put the thread to sleep for a few seconds to give the material time to load. This is a simple way to remedy the problem. However, this is not a good practice because the thread would sleep for that long regardless of whether the required event occurred.

Performance issues

Both testers and developers may experience severe frustration from sluggish test execution. A variety of circumstances can cause poor Selenium WebDriver test performance. Look for any inefficiency in your test scripts to help you troubleshoot this. Make sure you are performing all required tasks.Avoid using waits excessively, as this may cause your tests to run much slower. Use waits, both implicit and explicit, just as needed. To speed up execution, particularly for sizable test suites, consider executing tests concurrently. A helpful tool for parallel testing is Selenium Grid.

Implicit wait for handling dynamic content

To determine whether a web element is present on page, implicit wait instructs the WebDriver to poll the DOM for a specific time. The timeout is 0 seconds by default. When properly configured, Implicit Wait only requires a one-time setup effort and is made available for the duration of the Selenium WebDriver object.

Bottom line

Finally, above mentioned are about troubleshooting the common Selenium web driver issues. Although Selenium WebDriver is an effective solution for automating online browser interactions, it still needs some help. Your Selenium experience can be improved by clear understanding and solving typical problems.


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