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Testing the AJAX call using Selenium WebDriver is an important activity. AJAX is another method for dynamically generating web pages with effective data retrieval capabilities. In experts’ opinion, in order to properly test web apps, testers need to be up to date on all technologies and have their own methods for dealing with them. Because new, well-optimized technologies are being developed every single day, the future will be exceedingly difficult for automation experts who do not keep up with new techniques.

Before looking at the best ways to handle AJAX calls with Selenium WebDriver, first complete the best automation certification to gain a good understanding.

What is Ajax technology?

AJAX, or asynchronous JavaScript and XML, mean the same thing. Obtaining a small quantity of data from the server without having to reload the website is one of the techniques to make a web page more dynamic. This data retrieval service uses an asynchronous method that combines JavaScript and XML.

Examples: You can employ an AJAX request to dynamically fetch search results based on the search term.

How does Ajax call work?

Consider the search box on any website that uses AJAX. When you enter your search term in the search box, the search engine sends an HTTP request to the server. The server then analyses and uses that request to display all of the results that include your search term without having to reload the entire web page.

Results display speed depends on how quickly a server responds. It fluctuates between being significantly faster and being slower than usual. As a result, developers don't exactly know how long it will take to receive the results from the AJAX request.

Actually, time calculation falls more under performance testing than the functional testing category. For functional testing, the objective is to validate the content of the result. Study the basics of automation in an online automation course.

How to handle Ajax calls in Selenium webdriver?

AJAX and some challenges with test automation are documented by other developers. The method for handling AJAX calls in Selenium WebDriver will now be covered in this article.

Thread.sleep() & Implicit Wait

Some developers mentioned how tough it would be to use the sleep method to wait for the introduction of web items because it would slow down test execution. Many developers won't use Thread.sleep() in the beginning to wait for the results of an AJAX call. The Implicit Wait method also lengthens the waiting period. Thread.sleep() and Implicit wait differ slightly from one another. The first one stops the application, whereas the second also stops logically. This is not the proper method since if you use an implicit wait. The waiting period will last throughout the lifespan of the browser.

Explicit Wait & WebdriverWait

WebDriverWait uses Explicit wait because it waits until a set of predetermined conditions are satisfied. Waiting for the web elements takes the entire time here. Although it is easy to use, it is inefficient because you want WebDriver to perform checks for the presence of the web element on a regular basis.

Fluent Wait

FluentWait is considered the best wait method. The fluent wait has a polling frequency and, for the duration of the wait time, checks to see if the WebElement is present at each polling interval. When an item shows up ahead of schedule, it stops waiting for the element. Take up an online automation course to land a job.

Handling Ajax calls in Webdriver and its challenges

Developers need to be given limitations while creating AJAX-based applications. Because AJAX uses various encoding schemes to convey data in POST, testing procedures may become challenging. Developers need enough time to evaluate the risks associated with GET and POST data-sending AJAX apps.

Final thoughts

As AJAX applications commonly employ different encoding or serializ

ation techniques to deliver the data, building automation test requests for testing tools may be challenging. Different wait techniques must be used to test the Ajax application. Explicit Wait, ThreadSleep, Implicit Wait, WebdriverWait, and Fluent Wait are the techniques. Complete automation certification courses online to become an efficient automation tester.

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