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How to launch Safari browser using Selenium

With a 16% market share, precisely after Chrome, Safari is the second most used browser worldwide. The fact that Safari is the default browser on all Apple devices is crucial to its high market share. Web developers from all over the world must make sure their websites are adequately tested and optimized for all Safari versions. You can learn deeply about QA if you invest your time in qa training classes. In this post, the SafariDriver will be used to execute Selenium tests on the Safari browser.

What is so important about doing this so?

a wide range of browser compatibility

Your online application may be adequately tested across various browsers, including Safari, using Selenium. By doing this, any Safari-specific problems may be found and fixed, giving Safari users a smooth user experience.

Effective Testing Procedures:

Because of Selenium's automation features, testing Safari can be done more quickly and effectively. Compared to manual testing, automated testing may be carried out rapidly and often, boosting test coverage and accuracy while saving time and effort. This speeds up input on the operation and efficiency of the application on Safari and streamlines the testing process overall.

Step 1: Preparing Your Environment

Before launching Safari using Selenium, ensure that you have the necessary components in place:

Safari browser installation

Ensure that Safari is running on your computer at the most recent version. You may download and install Safari from the App Store or the official Apple website.

Save Safari WebDriver:

Safari-specific WebDriver is necessary for Selenium. Visit the Selenium website and download the Safari WebDriver extension that works with your Safari version.

Configure the WebDriver System Property:

Installing the Safari WebDriver extension, look for the file on your computer. In your code, you must set the system property for the WebDriver. You may use the following code, for instance, in Java:

System.setProperty("webdriver.safari.driver", "/path/to/safari driver");

Replace "/path/to/safari driver" with the actual path to the Safari WebDriver extension file.

Step 2: Set Up Your Selenium Project

You need to set up your Selenium project to launch Safari using Selenium. Follow these steps:

Choose a Programming Language: Selenium supports several programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, and others. Set Up a Project: Create a fresh project in your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and then set up Selenium. Ensure that you have set up the requirements and tools.

Step 3: Writing the Code to Launch Safari

Now that your environment is ready writing the code to launch the Safari browser using Selenium is time. Here's an example using Java:

import org.openqa. Selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa. Selenium. Safari.SafariDriver;

public class SafariBrowserLaunch {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Set Safari WebDriver system property

System.setProperty("webdriver.safari.driver", "/path/to/safari driver");

// Create SafariDriver instance

WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver();

// Perform actions with the Safari browser


// Add additional code for interacting with web elements, navigating, etc.

// Close the browser




In this code snippet, you import the necessary WebDriver classes and create an instance of the SafariDriver. The get() method opens the specified URL in the Safari browser. You can add code to interact with web elements, perform actions, or navigate through pages.

Remember to replace "/path/to/safari driver" with the actual path to the Safari WebDriver extension on your machine.

Step 4: Run Your Code and Verify Safari Launch

After writing the code, you can run it and verify if the Safari browser launches successfully. If everything is set up correctly, Selenium will open the Safari browser, navigate to the specified URL, and perform any additional actions as defined in your code.

Test your Selenium code thoroughly to ensure it performs as expected across different scenarios.


When you are interested in testing, you can get access to free software testing courses. Launching the Safari browser using Selenium requires specific configuration and setup. Following the step-by-step guide in this blog post, you can set up your Selenium project, configure the Safari WebDriver, and write code to launch the Safari browser successfully.

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